Beyond the Table
The missing piece to lasting pain relief
Want to feel better between your massage sessions? This is a three-part series of sessions where you will learn to use what you already have - the mind, body and breath -to create lasting pain relief.
We have so much more power to heal ourselves than we think we do. We're just not given the tools to do so or taught what's at the root of our pain.
That's where this program comes in! This is not a meditate-the-pain-away kind of program - it's comprehensive, it's dynamic, it's a little unconventional. It will challenge you, but it's also going to be fun! Once you've completed this three-part program, you will have a completely new relationship with yourself, your body, and your pain. As an added bonus, you'll probably notice many other areas of your life getting better and better!
During the course of our time together you are going to learn how your mind effects your body and your experience of pain. There's a lot of fear associated with pain that perpetuates a pain-fear cycle. Our nervous systems need to feel safe in order to heal. We're going to begin with breaking this cycle, so that you can get your brain working for you, rather than against you.
We're going to dive deep into the power of our minds and you'll learn practices you can use on your own at any time to reinforce this new mindset that supports your healing.
We're often told we need to "connect to our bodies" more, but we're never taught how to do that. What does that even mean? During this portion of our work you're going to learn ALL about it. By the end of this week you'll be more connected to yourself than you've probably ever been and you'll know how to listen to the messages your body is sending you.
Breathwork is gaining in popularity for a reason: It's something you have complete control of, it's accessible to everyone, it's free and it's effective.
You'll be learning several breathwork techniques specifically designed to release pain from the body. You'll also receive a full Restorative Breathwork session, so that you can become aware of your specific breathing patterns and learn to breath most effectively for having less tension and more freedom in your body.
Beyond the Table Frequently Asked Questions
This program was amazing and life changing for me. Initially, when Adrienne mentioned this, it felt out of my comfort zone. But, she is amazing and I knew I could trust her. I am so thankful for the time and effort that Adrienne put into this program and me. She is professional yet relatable. She goes above and beyond not only during each session but checked on me frequently between visits. This is, without a doubt, the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. Thank you, Adrienne.